
Excursion: The Fly Trap

Unwilling to fight the inevitable crowds of a Saturday Valentine's Day, and in an attempt to be more budget-conscious, Kevin and I forewent the usual Valentine's Day dinner this year. Instead, we had Valentine's Day "blunch" (their word) at The Fly Trap, a fun and slightly quirky diner in Ferndale, Michigan. Though The Fly Trap has been a local favorite pretty much since it opened in late 2004, it gained national attention when it was featured on the Food Network's Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives in January of 2007. The decor is bright and funky, the menu whimsical, and the food? Well it is interesting and delicious - "gourmet" diner fare. Since the diner was pretty much full on Saturday, as usual, we took a seat up at the bar, where we unrolled our tea towl-clad utensils, commented on the Syndey Opera House salt shakers in front of us, and stared open-mouthed at the oddly placed tiles punctuating the original tin-tile ceiling above. At The Fly Trap, you can order Heuvos Rancheros, Eggs ala Boring, or a Red Chili Salmon Burger. Kevin and I selected two of the more oft-mentioned dishes: Green Eggs and Ham for him, and the Lemongrass Pho Bowl for me. Both dishes are truly a sight to behold, and when they were placed in front of us, I didn't know whether to dig into mine, or try to steal his! The Pho bowl is packed with flat noodles and a variety of carmelized roasted veggies - eggplant, mushrooms, carrots, and snow peas, most notably - floating in the most wonderful spicy, savory, umami broth. It's all topped with a "salad" of cucumbers, radishes, and other fresh veggies, tossed in a vinaigrette and garnished with sesame seeds and a lime wedge. This is by far the best Asian dish I have ever had (incidentally, the recipe is available on the Food Network website for those of you who aren't planning to come to Michigan any time soon)! It comes with chicken or, in a characteristically un-diner way, tofu. The Green Eggs and Ham is fancy in a fantastically accessible way. The "Green" comes from poblano pesto that is mixed in with the scrambled eggs, giving them a unique veggie flavor. The potatoes are glistening and crispy, and the ham is, well, gorgeous ham! It has the appeal of a meal that is just one step beyond what you might think of making at home. Overall, we both agreed - Valentine's Day "blunch" was
"finer" than Valentine's Day dinner!

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